Planning Run Monitor in IBP – Is it useful ?

In IBP one of the important feature and development over the period of time is about Planning Run Monitor. Those who were waiting for APO SNP Optimizer Input / Output log type of functionality, its finally available in SAP IBP. We can an use the FIORI app to view the detailed input and output data of planning runs without even going into optimizer trace log files.

To analyze a planning run in the Planning Run Monitor app, we must choose Generate Data for Planning Run Monitor in the application job for Supply Planning Run

General remarks

  1. Logs are divided into input and Output log tables
  2. Tables in the tree are in alphabetical order, but you can sort them in various ways to suit your requirements
  3. We can see each of the table and their corresponding number of table entries
  4. We can export table by table or multiple tables into excel for easy analysis

Time Series Relevant

  1. No need to do any ID conversion using mapping table, its directly available at IBP master data level.
  2. Both input and output log provides more than enough information that one needs for detailed analysis.
  3. It only supports S&OP Operator V2 or S&OP Optimizer Explanation V2 application job template
  4. Information are reported at bucket level and are in similar table structure that was available within trace files.

Order Series Relevant

Due to fundamental design of IBP for response (Order Based Planning) which is time continuous planning and then data is converted into bucket level for optimizer run and later on again converted into time continuous planning for pegging and gating factor. It follows different table structure compare to time series planning run monitor table structure

  1. It has bit confusing structure so it may take some time for individual to get familiar with the table and content.
  2. It provides good master data overview (No need to do any ID conversion using mapping tables)
  3. While it provides transactional data but its bit complicated to decode it, simple table structure like APO SNP / IBP TS could have been much better.
  4. Important outputs like projected inventory, demand fulfilment information are missing, that is only available in optimizer logs
  5. We can use planning run monitor for limited analysis but for detailed analysis we still need to go into trace logs, so overall it’s not much user friendly like IBP TS but its better to use whatever we have now and we hope that it will be further simplified in future IBP releases.


Planning run Monitor with TS Supply planning is a great feature which can be very easily used for any analysis, if offers great insights that was earlier available only within trace logs. Whereas in OBP it may take sometime to make it more user friendly till then we have to use mix of Planning run monitor and Trace logs to do complete analysis, not ideal but that’s where we currently stands.

About the author

Girish Kumar Jain is a Senior Solution Architect having more then 20+ years of experience in implementing SAP tools like IBP/APO. He has successfully lead and delivered large scale IT implementations projects for several Fortune 500 clients like Lion, CCEP, Unilever, Reckitt Benckiser etc.

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Planning Run Monitor in IBP – Is it useful ?

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